Author: Taylor Adams – Hairpin Bridge Review written by WA.

Hairpin Bridge

Hairpin Bridge
Published: June 15, 2021
Driving in between towns through an American state like Montana is daunting for some, due to the vast and austerely mountainous desert no-man's lands. Where one must pray to God their car safely traverses the vacant depths of the earth; straining to see painted road lines animating in the pitch black darkness. And it may seem that just about anything could happen out there. That is this story...

Hairpin Bridge is Lena’s investigation into twin sister Cambry’s mysterious death in which she’d jumped off a bridge and did not survive. One of author Taylor Adams’ most popular novels No Exit (2018) also features a heroine protagonist, and it is notable that the character of Lena, as well as Cambry – who may be a victim, seem to avoid the prototypical modes of the thriller genre. Both character’s personalities are compelling and relatable. They are smart people who’ve been around the block but who also have to think and figure things out.


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