Published: 2018
This intriguing, sinuous novel engrosses readers with its unfurling decomposition of a secretive woman, and will keep you reading far into the late hours of the morning...

The protagonist Lowen Ashleigh is hired to finish a series of books brain-dead author Verity Crawford never completed. After moving into the Crawford estate, Lowen discovers Verity’s hidden autobiography, which is full of secrets revealing a twisted family history that leaves Lowen dead in her tracks.

Power, vulnerability, femininity, and morality are central themes, as Lowen is caught between deciding what to do: expose Verity or stay silent and continue working on her ground-breaking opportunity. Further complicating Lowen’s decision is her growing allegiance to Verity’s husband, who is utterly unaware of Verity’s surreptitious past.

Hoover’s narrative fluctuates between both women; Verity’s chilling autobiography and Lowen’s processing of the details. Readers who relish cliffhangers and psychological thrillers have a treat in store.

-Bella Rose

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