Author: James J. Mapes – Quantum Leap Thinking. Review written by WA.

Quantum Leap Thinking

Quantum Leap Thinking
Mapes lays out the “QLT Theorems” from the 'groundwork' to the 'leap taking' and 'balancing' stages, and finally to 'leadership,' with the use of various quizzes and mental exercises meant to stimulate the creative mind...

Quantum Leap Thinking presents a lively, innovation of self-help visualization techniques, with which many Anthony Robbins fans are familiar. The book’s author, a fellow hypnosis expert who specialized in pain reduction for terminally ill cancer patients, describes Quantum Leap Thinking (QLT) as a grouping of ideas, skills, models, etc. that when combined, create an explosive life-changing formula for success. Despite the apparent organization of thought, Mapes states that the QLT approach is non-linear, introducing the concepts as ‘like a range of chemicals mixed and interacting – working in harmony.’

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